Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What are you grateful for today?

It's a question I try to ask myself at least once a day. Usually I end up doing the asking when I get to a certain point just before the closest main street in my neighbourhood.

Well, here's my list for today...

I'm grateful that I just got pretty much a free website hosting upgrade right when I'm working on redesigning my website.

I'm grateful that I won a free marketing course for musicians recently. Through that course, I'm taking a good hard look at my fears and doubts, how I'm holding back, where I'm doing great, where I need to focus, etc. It's an eye-opening exercise to work on a 5 year vision!

Gee, I see a cool pattern. What else will the Universe gift to me?? What blessings! I'm going to intend that the Universe will give me a beautiful surprise tomorrow :)

I'm grateful that tomorrow I'm taking my daughter for back to school shopping.

I'm grateful for the healing I had today.

I'm grateful that I accomplished all I wanted to and more, today.

I'm grateful that now I'm going to bed after a long day, so that my body can adjust to the healing.

Sooo.... what are YOU grateful for today??

Peace, Love & Light,

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