Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Expressions of Gratitude & Amazement

Over the past 5 or 6 days, my life has been magical. Okay, I just checked my last blog and realized that it's been since November 17th, so actually 9 days! Wow!

Something inexplicable has occurred to propel me forward in a subtle yet powerful way.

Maybe it was the completion of the 42 days of cultivating gratitude at the World Gratitude Forum. Maybe it was that I did a lot of healing work for people in a short time. Maybe it was from reading Julia Rogers-Hamrick's daiy Easy World Power Thought every morning. Or maybe it was that I just gathered enough momentum from all the self-growth I've been doing.

Honestly, I think it was all of the above. The more I focus on cultivating gratitude and creating the life I want for myself, the more it happens. The more I allow Source energy / life force to flow through me, the more alive I feel and the more joy I experience.

Whatever happened, 9 days ago my reality changed for the better. It's not that I haven't had this happen for me before. But I've learned that when I celebrate the little things as well as the big things in my life that I appreciate, I open the door for more.

I just looked back at my gratitude list/journal for the past 9 days and beyond, and it's really quite amazing all I've accomplished and all I've been grateful for. In the midst of some pretty unpleasant stuff, I've been able to keep my main focus on things like sunlit snowy branches and giggles with my daughter.

The interesting thing is, the unpleasant stuff is diminishing and I find myself smiling all the time. And there is this amazing feeling I can hardly explain, if at all, that Abraham-Hicks describes as something like "experiencing the power that creates worlds." I'll give you an example.

Today in the recording studio, I was working on one of my favorite contemporary tunes, a sort of gospel-influenced acoustic number about being in the flow of Source energy. When it was time for me to record my more freestyle wailing parts for the song, something inside me just opened up. I was able to do some blues riffs with my voice that I've never done before, my voice picked up extra energy from somewhere and my inner experience was - well, it was light and lightness.

Yes, indescribable, truly - but I can't resist the desire to share it with you! I could feel a living energy rising from inside my solar plexus, like liquid light, rising up and out of my mouth in the form of sound. An amazing feeling. It was a feeling of total connectedness with Creator and my spirit, like a merging of all of me and All That Is, and a vocal expression of that connection.

The thing is, why I'm sharing this is because I know everyone can achieve this state! We all have special talents even if they are still hidden from our consciousness. And when we align with our true being, these talents spill out joyfully into the world. It's like a circular chain reaction. Our joyful self-expression creates more joy in us and around us and the joy continues to grow and spread.

I don't think I've experienced this quite the same for so long before. I do remember writing in my diary quite a few years ago about having a similar experience during a walk, but it sure didn't last for days on end!

So I want to end this with absolute gratitude, joy and a serenity that spreads into a wide smile and light in my eyes, hopefully to be reflected in your eyes and even further.

Thank you for reading my ramblings and I hope for you an equally awe-inspiring, unforgettable life-affirming positive experience... every day!

Love, Light & Gratitude,
Brenda MacIntyre, Medicine Song Woman

P.S. Want to treat yourself?

Download a FREE one hour live-to-radio MP3 of me performing, channeling a healing song and getting interviewed.

Connect to your spirit and re-align your energies to feel better and move toward what you want to create in your life. Get a Remote Healing Session.

1 comment:

  1. I understand your experience completely! For me, it's the gratitude that brings humility & that generates the opening of wonder, awe & content.

    Last weekend I visited a friend in Edmonton who's in a funk re: a wonky relationship & having no friends yet in town. I was able to listen to her & even comfort her....which helped both os us.

    She knows that "praying", dancing in my living room, saying my daily Buddhist chants & Nature do it for me. Or something simple like playing with her cats. (And in the past 6 months I've realised that photography has become my more recent comtemplative art - me, the camera & the subject, usually something simple & natural. It blows me away how powerful this is, & I'm happy that I can share it on my blogs.)

    So I realised last nite that helping my friend really made me glow inside. I think it helped her too.

    Thanks as always for your insights



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