After channeling the 11:11 Light Attunement, I wanted to channel an Attunement for Love. Here's what happened so far...
I wrote a guided meditation and recorded it. I listened to it and had a deep emotional connection and release. I could definitely feel the love. Since I've been learning a bit about editing sound, I decided to experiment and put a song in the background of the meditation. So I channeled a medicine song with the vibrational frequency of Love.
I listened back to the song once and wasn't too sure about it, so I channeled another one. Funny me... still hanging out with self-doubt sometimes and they're not even really my songs! They're coming from Spirit! Anyway, even though the 2nd chant was lovely and ebbed and flowed with the visualization, I still wasn't feeling it.
Yesterday I was coming home from the studio and listening to that first Love chant with the drum, this time in the headphones, and something started happening. I felt so deeply connected to Source that I couldn't focus on getting where I was going and was finding my consciousness drifting. And then the idea popped into my head to just try it - that this was it. This was the perfect song to go with the guided meditation.
Last night I put on the CD in my CD player to listen - see, every time I am gifted with these gems from Source, any kind of healing modality, product or whatever, I will use it on myself first to make sure it works. Anyway, I fell asleep and don't even remember hearing anything past the first 3 minutes and it's 22 minutes and 22 seconds long.
So that's the first really cool thing that happened. My first Attunement came at 11:11am. This Attunement is 22:22 in length. I find number synchronicity fascinating.
Anyway, I tried it again today in the mid-morning. Wide awake. Well, it works all right!! Very trippy. A little TOO trippy. And by the way, I don't do drugs or drink alcohol - ever - so this is all natural!
I stayed "awake" as in not sleeping but was in probably the deepest state of meditation I've ever attained. I found myself in a state of lucid dreaming and it felt similar to when I experience sleep paralysis - except in this case, the sounds I heard and things I saw were very different and I wasn't afraid. Usually with sleep paralysis, I'm terrified and can't move.
This experience I had was phenomenal. I saw huge light/energy waves. It was like having aurora borealis in my bedroom. There were all these light displays going on. I'm glad I didn't do the painting to go with this Attunement yet, because now I know what to paint.
I saw swirly waves of light bouncing and dancing around, different colours like gold and pink and although I see energy all the time in various forms, I've never seen this particular energy.
In addition to seeing the light/energy waves, I could hear them. It was like music. In fact, it was just like hearing a didgeridoo. Now I know why that instrument is so sacred. I think I was hearing the sounds of the universe but honestly I don't even know what that was. All I know is it was beautiful, amazing, beyond words to describe, and it happened within this deep connection to Source.
What's more, I could feel my body but everything around it seemed to be gone. I could feel myself supported by this energy, lifted up by it. I wonder now, thinking back, if this was actual levitation or, more likely, my spirit just floating up out of my body. In any case, I can hardly describe to you the emotions and sensations I felt. It was like being in the presence of lots of static electricity, or out in a very strong electrical storm. I could feel the electricity in the air. But again, I had no fear of it at all.
The Attunement ended and I was still deep in meditation, so I know I have work to do to make sure you're grounded and fully connected back to the physical before I can relase this to the public. I also have to paint what I saw.
I mistakenly had set my blackberry to continue playing other songs and so another version of the meditation went by. I went right back into that deep consciousness and lucid dream state and experienced exactly the same thing but this time, it sounded like the energy was trying to communicate with me. So this time I asked it if it could tell me in English words or find a way to help me understand what was being communicated to me.
Again I had that floating sensation and saw those beautiful light waves, and I heard the music assembling itself in different patterns until I could almost make out talking. Fascinating. But this time I was pulled out of my experience by the next song on my blackberry. I turned it off and put on the latest version of the Attunement again. I instantly went into the same state of lucid dreaming. This time the sounds were even clearer and the lines of the energy waves were finer, more structured. And it sounded like a bunch of people talking but too far away to make out the conversation - which I have experienced before in the sleep paralysis state.
I did end up falling asleep very purposefully after turning off the music on my blackberry and I had a lovely dream about a good friend I haven't seen in a while. And now here I am. I woke up a few times but because I had promised myself today was a taking-it-easy day, I stayed in bed and had a fantastic sleep until just now. :) I also played with going back into that state without the mp3 playing and found myself not quite there but pretty close.
Anyway, the bottom line is, I am going to have this Attunement to Universal Love/Light available to you but not until I change the end of the guided visualization so that you are able to come out of it and back into the physical and feel grounded.
I am amazed that I was able to get that deep into meditation and still be aware/lucid enough to be using my thoughts intentionally.
Thoughts? Comments? I'd love to hear what you think.
Peace, Love & Light,
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
New Moon + Solar Eclipse = WOW
Hi again! I'm honouring my own inspiration and need to write this all out and share it with you. It's been a miracle day for me.
I know we've been gearing up for big transformation and so many events have been leading up to great hope more and more. But today I am amazed.
I am amazed at how this Great Re-Awakening is affecting me as I pick up what the universe is offering me. Cause you know, we don't always see what's right in front of us, or allow it to come close enough to even notice what gifts we're being given.
And that's what I've been doing. 2008 gave me one big push forward, as I'm sure many have experienced. Or it may have felt more like a kick in the pants down the side of a cliff, like it did for me at some points! But it's all a part of the greater journey.
I'll tell you something I've learned about manifesting. First off, like I said earlier today in my other article about Money Reiki, if you ask, pray or put your intention out for something you want, then pay attention carefully to what shows up. It's been said that Creator works in mysterious ways and that is so true. And trust me, you don't want to miss it when it arrives!
I'm pretty sure that if I hadn't said yes to that Money Reiki distance healing, today wouldn't have been this amazing. I got 5 new clients in one day without making a single phone call or email! That's definitely a first for me.
Second thing is, here's how the magic often happens for me...
A. I get to feeling good and then I begin to feel motivated and/or inspired.
B. If I'm not already inspired to do something, I look at my "To Accomplish" list and see if there's anything on it I feel like doing. Today there was. I felt like doing some work to generate some leads. So that's what I began to do.
C. I got results almost immediately after beginning the task.
Here's the thing. In my mind, I thought I would have to complete the task at hand as well as another task I was going to get to tomorrow, in order to get the results I was seeking. But instead I had a waterfall of positive results starting only about 5 minutes into my task!
D. That doesn't mean I abandoned the task at hand! I completed what I wanted to, but in the meantime, I was a magnet for prosperity!
Why did this work for me?
Well, I did the the Money Reiki Meditation for 5 days in a row before this... let's see, I have been using my own 11:11 Light Attunement, I've been acting on my inspirations and working on a new creative project I'm excited and passionate about... there have been a lot of stepping stones toward today's prosperity waterfall.
Oh yeah and let's not forget, I had a message from the wind. I used to get regular messages from the wind but haven't in a long while. 2 nights ago, the wind was blowing like crazy. I went to close the balcony door but when I got there I had a familiar feeling - I could feel the wind speaking to me, telling me I'm in for something big. I wasn't sure what but I know I can trust those messages, so I had a lot of faith and I paid attention.
Today, when I set out to do my work, in my mind I had thoughts of - and faith in - something big coming for me. The thoughts in my head while I was working were based on that faith and connected to the emotions of gratitude, passion and excitement. That is the perfect brew for manifesting what you want.
I'm excited to see what tomorrow will bring... so I'm going to have to actually stop writing in this blog now and get some sleep!
I know we've been gearing up for big transformation and so many events have been leading up to great hope more and more. But today I am amazed.
I am amazed at how this Great Re-Awakening is affecting me as I pick up what the universe is offering me. Cause you know, we don't always see what's right in front of us, or allow it to come close enough to even notice what gifts we're being given.
And that's what I've been doing. 2008 gave me one big push forward, as I'm sure many have experienced. Or it may have felt more like a kick in the pants down the side of a cliff, like it did for me at some points! But it's all a part of the greater journey.
I'll tell you something I've learned about manifesting. First off, like I said earlier today in my other article about Money Reiki, if you ask, pray or put your intention out for something you want, then pay attention carefully to what shows up. It's been said that Creator works in mysterious ways and that is so true. And trust me, you don't want to miss it when it arrives!
I'm pretty sure that if I hadn't said yes to that Money Reiki distance healing, today wouldn't have been this amazing. I got 5 new clients in one day without making a single phone call or email! That's definitely a first for me.
Second thing is, here's how the magic often happens for me...
A. I get to feeling good and then I begin to feel motivated and/or inspired.
B. If I'm not already inspired to do something, I look at my "To Accomplish" list and see if there's anything on it I feel like doing. Today there was. I felt like doing some work to generate some leads. So that's what I began to do.
C. I got results almost immediately after beginning the task.
Here's the thing. In my mind, I thought I would have to complete the task at hand as well as another task I was going to get to tomorrow, in order to get the results I was seeking. But instead I had a waterfall of positive results starting only about 5 minutes into my task!
D. That doesn't mean I abandoned the task at hand! I completed what I wanted to, but in the meantime, I was a magnet for prosperity!
Why did this work for me?
Well, I did the the Money Reiki Meditation for 5 days in a row before this... let's see, I have been using my own 11:11 Light Attunement, I've been acting on my inspirations and working on a new creative project I'm excited and passionate about... there have been a lot of stepping stones toward today's prosperity waterfall.
Oh yeah and let's not forget, I had a message from the wind. I used to get regular messages from the wind but haven't in a long while. 2 nights ago, the wind was blowing like crazy. I went to close the balcony door but when I got there I had a familiar feeling - I could feel the wind speaking to me, telling me I'm in for something big. I wasn't sure what but I know I can trust those messages, so I had a lot of faith and I paid attention.
Today, when I set out to do my work, in my mind I had thoughts of - and faith in - something big coming for me. The thoughts in my head while I was working were based on that faith and connected to the emotions of gratitude, passion and excitement. That is the perfect brew for manifesting what you want.
I'm excited to see what tomorrow will bring... so I'm going to have to actually stop writing in this blog now and get some sleep!
Money Reiki? And yes, it actually works :)
I guess it should be no surprise to me that I would be attracting so much goodness into my life after birthing the 11:11 Light Attunement in a moment of big gratitude during a global healing meditation just before the biggest, brightest Full Moon of 2009.
If you haven't tried the Attunement yet, I encourage you to listen to the mp3 or watch the video. They're both free on my website. People have been telling me of all kinds of visions, physical healing, emotional release and other spiritual experiences just from watching or listening, and I have been getting results personally from "walking my own talk" - I have used the Attunement myself.
Shortly after I channeled that Attunement, someone on Twitter began communicating with me. Her name is Amy Flynn. She offered me a free Money Reiki distance healing when we began 'following' each other on Twitter. I was a bit skeptical at first but she seemed very genuine. And I had been asking for prosperity to manifest for me.
Manifesting 101: Never say No to gifts from the universe after asking for what you want! :)
I was asked to journal about my experience, which I did. Now for all you skeptics out there - or the inner skeptic in you - I know it worked. I do use a lot of my own healing tools and do a lot of personal growth but it was obvious that Amy's Money Reiki was working for me.
First off, the "little people" were poking at my feet again, which does happen occasionally. They're resident spirits and I'm good with that. But I hadn't had this happen in months and when it happened, I was supposed to be away from my desk to focus on the Reiki session. They were trying to tell me to get off the computer. I didn't get it right away but luckily for me, I still was open enough to receive the healing.
I had 3 very specific situations come up around money the very next day, and I knew instantly they were about releasing old thoughts and beliefs and embracing new ones, so I went with it.
I also had incredible thirst for "no reason" which always happens to me when I do healing sessions for others or have a session done for me. But this was BIG. We're talking like 20 glasses of water, at least, for that one day.
I believe in Amy's work so I bought her Money Reiki Meditation. Since then I've been listening every night. The first night I connected as deeply to Source as I do when I sing a very very special traditional welcome song that came to me. I actually saw white light as bright as the sun in the same shape and location as I see it when I sing that song.
The following day I had another money issue cleared through a situation that came up. And that night, I had another vision of Source and a spiritual experience I can't even quite describe in words.
It's been 5 days since I began working with Amy's Money Reiki CD and today has been a day of manifesting prosperity. I know there is more at play than this one CD but it has been the catalyst for change in that one specific area of my life, and I am extremely grateful, to myself for following my intuition and paying attention when gifts from the universe show up, and to Amy for following her passion.
Love, Light & Gratitude,
If you haven't tried the Attunement yet, I encourage you to listen to the mp3 or watch the video. They're both free on my website. People have been telling me of all kinds of visions, physical healing, emotional release and other spiritual experiences just from watching or listening, and I have been getting results personally from "walking my own talk" - I have used the Attunement myself.
Shortly after I channeled that Attunement, someone on Twitter began communicating with me. Her name is Amy Flynn. She offered me a free Money Reiki distance healing when we began 'following' each other on Twitter. I was a bit skeptical at first but she seemed very genuine. And I had been asking for prosperity to manifest for me.
Manifesting 101: Never say No to gifts from the universe after asking for what you want! :)
I was asked to journal about my experience, which I did. Now for all you skeptics out there - or the inner skeptic in you - I know it worked. I do use a lot of my own healing tools and do a lot of personal growth but it was obvious that Amy's Money Reiki was working for me.
First off, the "little people" were poking at my feet again, which does happen occasionally. They're resident spirits and I'm good with that. But I hadn't had this happen in months and when it happened, I was supposed to be away from my desk to focus on the Reiki session. They were trying to tell me to get off the computer. I didn't get it right away but luckily for me, I still was open enough to receive the healing.
I had 3 very specific situations come up around money the very next day, and I knew instantly they were about releasing old thoughts and beliefs and embracing new ones, so I went with it.
I also had incredible thirst for "no reason" which always happens to me when I do healing sessions for others or have a session done for me. But this was BIG. We're talking like 20 glasses of water, at least, for that one day.
I believe in Amy's work so I bought her Money Reiki Meditation. Since then I've been listening every night. The first night I connected as deeply to Source as I do when I sing a very very special traditional welcome song that came to me. I actually saw white light as bright as the sun in the same shape and location as I see it when I sing that song.
The following day I had another money issue cleared through a situation that came up. And that night, I had another vision of Source and a spiritual experience I can't even quite describe in words.
It's been 5 days since I began working with Amy's Money Reiki CD and today has been a day of manifesting prosperity. I know there is more at play than this one CD but it has been the catalyst for change in that one specific area of my life, and I am extremely grateful, to myself for following my intuition and paying attention when gifts from the universe show up, and to Amy for following her passion.
Love, Light & Gratitude,
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Barack Obama Brings Transformation
I posted this as an answer to a question on LinkedIn "How were Barack Obama's words received in your country?"
My personal reaction was one of joy, gratitude and hope.
Obama is careful to note that most of the work will be coming from the people - with support from the government.
He is the kind of person who can inspire many people to action very quickly. He has an authenticity about him that is rare in politics and that along with his charisma and lived experience with diversity are key to this being a turning point.
Globally, Obama has added fire to an already lit candle of hope and he has come at a time when there is a tremendous shift happening globally. As I am an indigenous healer, the energy I felt during both his inauguration and his election has been unbelievably joyous - although I can also sense the other side of it, the many who are not feeling ready for such intense change. But he is not the one responsible for the intense change - we all are.
There is no question this is a turning point - it already was a turning point globally even without his election. It's not just the economy that is crashing; the way of living that has favored a small number of people and left the rest behind is also crashing.
Obama's election has served to amplify the positive energy in enough people that global transformation toward a more peaceful and positive way of being just gained huge momentum.
One person can make a difference. Certainly one person can't undo all the negativity and history before him in one fell swoop, but one person can make a difference.
And that one person is you. And me. And yes, Obama. And anyone else who is open to working toward something better.
Change isn't coming - it's already here and Obama's election is just part of the larger picture. Some will love him and some will hate him and some will sit and watch him, waiting for him to make mistakes.
On a personal level, as a Native Canadian mother with mixed race children, I am thrilled that my 11yo daughter is taking an interest in learning about politics and feeling inspired as a result of these events, and that my black-Indian Jamaican/Ojibwe/Odawa/Irish/Scottish 22yo son can now look at possibility in a whole new light.
Miigwech, Thank You for raising this topic.
Brenda, Medicine Song Woman
My personal reaction was one of joy, gratitude and hope.
Obama is careful to note that most of the work will be coming from the people - with support from the government.
He is the kind of person who can inspire many people to action very quickly. He has an authenticity about him that is rare in politics and that along with his charisma and lived experience with diversity are key to this being a turning point.
Globally, Obama has added fire to an already lit candle of hope and he has come at a time when there is a tremendous shift happening globally. As I am an indigenous healer, the energy I felt during both his inauguration and his election has been unbelievably joyous - although I can also sense the other side of it, the many who are not feeling ready for such intense change. But he is not the one responsible for the intense change - we all are.
There is no question this is a turning point - it already was a turning point globally even without his election. It's not just the economy that is crashing; the way of living that has favored a small number of people and left the rest behind is also crashing.
Obama's election has served to amplify the positive energy in enough people that global transformation toward a more peaceful and positive way of being just gained huge momentum.
One person can make a difference. Certainly one person can't undo all the negativity and history before him in one fell swoop, but one person can make a difference.
And that one person is you. And me. And yes, Obama. And anyone else who is open to working toward something better.
Change isn't coming - it's already here and Obama's election is just part of the larger picture. Some will love him and some will hate him and some will sit and watch him, waiting for him to make mistakes.
On a personal level, as a Native Canadian mother with mixed race children, I am thrilled that my 11yo daughter is taking an interest in learning about politics and feeling inspired as a result of these events, and that my black-Indian Jamaican/Ojibwe/Odawa/Irish/Scottish 22yo son can now look at possibility in a whole new light.
Miigwech, Thank You for raising this topic.
Brenda, Medicine Song Woman
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The New Earth Energy & My Songs

I've been getting intuitive/channeled messages about this New Energy we're experiencing and documented some of it in my last 2 articles since solstice: "New Beginnings" and "Light is Leading the Way". I know it's a challenging time for many of us but it's only like that because we're like butterflies right now. Either you've just emerged from the chrysalis and are vulnerable until your wings are dry and ready to fly... or you're probably feeling like it's time to bust out of that chrysalis but it's scary because there's so much uncertainty. Don't worry. There is so much hope and possibility for us all!
Another Gift for You
I've received an unexpected gift that I want to share with all of you. It's called the 11:11 Light Attunement: I created a video to help those of you who have a hard time meditating and you can also download the MP3. It's a channeled song, much like the ones you may have experienced if you've had a remote healing session with me. But this one is different. It has a very subtle yet powerful medicine that will help attune you to these New Earth Energies. I invite you to take 10 minutes out of your day to breathe this in.
Some of you are probably wondering why and how I can give away so much.
The truth is, when I am guided by Spirit to give something away, I go with it. I'm still a single mom doing healing work and music full-time on my own, and now blessed with a wonderful manager, but the times we're living in require that I share from my heart and spirit -whether it pays the bills or not. I know it's a tough decision to buy something off the Internet, and I also know you're interested in what I can offer or you wouldn't be here reading this. My intention is to assist you through these transitional times, no matter what it takes.
I encourage those of you who are financially blessed to make an "energy exchange" of any amount you feel moved to donate, to help me continue this work in a way that even those without can still move forward with this New Energy. You can donate where you get the Light Attunement:
I am ever grateful for those of you who have written notes of appreciation to me and helped me to spread the word about what I am doing. Please do tell your loved ones, friends and colleagues about my work if you feel they can benefit from it.
My Songs and the New Earth Energy
I've been busy in the recording studio all last week and I was reminded by one of my own songs "One of the Things" to just relax and allow life to flow. Here's the chorus: "One of the things about life is that you never know what's comin' 'round.One of the things about life is that the thing you least expect is gonna happen anyway."
January 16th started off with a migraine and my new Blackberry frozen at the time 4:15am - except I saw this at 7:45am. Being that my Blackberry is my alarm clock, this put a wrench into my whole day. I was frustrated, upset, just generally freaking out, but thankfully I've learned to have a conscious awareness of my thoughts and feelings, and actually manage them.
I could've continued being frustrated but that would have paved the way for more frustration via more situations that make me feel frustration. So instead I reached out to my twitter community and asked my friends there for some quick inspiration. I got what I needed (thank you!! you know who you are) and then my song "One of the Things" came into my head and I laughed at myself. I was then able to settle down and stop the downward spiral of a terrible day from happening. This is how the New Energy works. Things often don't go 'as planned' and also, even what you're intending for yourself might come in a strange package. But at the same time, our thoughts are manifesting with much more speed and there is lots of light and assistance for us.
This New Energy is not like what we were all starting to get used to.If you're sensitive or a Lightworker (healer, psychic, intuitive etc.)you've probably noticed the recent shifting energies. For me it began the night of Obama's victory. I could feel the global energy so intensely it was undeniable. But there has been even more of a shift since then. We've been given a chance to consciously let go of whatever is left that is holding us back from the joy we all deserve. That's what that 11:11 Light Attunement will help you to do.
There's more...
If you know me and my music even a little, you know I'm not about just making cool music or performing for entertainment purposes. Everything I do has spiritual significance and I am blessed to have been able to connect to my purpose as a child and now as it evolves. I have been just bubbling with inspiration and being shown what to do to assist you through my gifts in the best way possible for the highest good, and here is what has come...
I haven't been guided as to how to present it to you yet but I have received another Attunement and there is a painting that has come with it. It is not gentle like the 11:11 one. It's very direct and powerful, which is why I am awaiting "instructions" from Spirit, on how to present this to you. When the path of this new healing gift comes clear, I will let you all know.
Until then, may you be blessed with kindness, love & joy!
-Brenda MacIntyre, Medicine Song Woman
Friday, January 9, 2009
Light is Leading the Way
I've got some messages coming through to me after reading my email from According to a new sunspot is emerging, we have the biggest and brightest Full Moon of 2009 happening this Sunday (which I just took this photo of) and a comet is doing a flyby, which we may be able to see even without a telescope some time in February (if you have a telescope, you can see it now).
My first thought was that Full Moon ceremony in the Ojibwe tradition is about letting go, completing a cycle, gathering the women, celebrating our light and connection to Grandmother Moon and each other as women, and honouring our water.
What is coming to me now is that this particular Full Moon in January 2009 is about renewal. It's about letting go of the last vestiges of whatever it is that may still be holding us back from being fully true to ourselves, fully connected to Source/All That Is, fully connected to our own spirit.
Lightworkers (healers, psychics, sensitives etc.) have been experiencing this renewal process intensely on many levels, as Mother Earth is undergoing a powerful transformation. 2008 was an intense, challenging year for many of us, because anything we've repressed or ignored began coming up for us. This can manifest as extremely unpleasant situations, dis-ease or any array of things orchestrated on our behalf to make us downright angry or depressed. All the emotions being loosened and brought up need to be released from our energy field.
Not an easy task, emotional release. There can be years of layers of emotional trauma hiding away from our consciousness and bringing it up can cause more pain temporarily. But there is so much hope on this front.
With this being the brightest, biggest Full Moon of the year, we are being given a final chance to let go of old negative self-limiting habits, ideas, thoughts, feelings before we turn our full attention on this New Earth Energy.
I encourage you to find a special way to celebrate yourself, how far you've come, what you really love about yourself, all you are grateful for, during this Full Moon period.
It doesn't matter who you are. If you are human, you are nearly completely made of water, which means you're affected by the pull of the Full Moon. Grandmother Moon has come this close to Mother Earth to allow all of us, no matter where we are at in our personal development, to connect and allow Her to pull away what we no longer need.
Along with the Full Moon has come a sunspot. Interesting how a little darkness is so noticeable on such a bright star, isn't it? As we shine our lights more brightly, the stuff we need to release becomes more visible and clear to us.
It is very important now to notice what is coming up to be released and allow it to be pulled away from our energy fields. This is how we will be able to hold more light and be more attuned to the New Earth Energy.
Notice when you feel angry or upset. Be silent in and with yourself for a few moments when these feelings come up or when outside situations and people seem to be "getting in your way" or "making you feel bad." These people and situations are simply messengers, bringing to the light unresolved energies to which you are still attached.
It would appear that the comet has come in conjunction with this Full Moon to show us there is a light leading the way. It will continue its journey close to Earth into February. Once we let go of enough of what no longer serves us to feel some palpable relief, we can look forward to those empty spaces within us to be filled up with Light. That means more joy, happiness, "lightness", "enlightenment" and many of us will be glowing from the inside out.
Want a Light Attunement?
On January 7th, 2009 at 11:11, during a global meditation to do with the World Gratitude Gathering, I channeled a Light Attunement. It is a healing chant to assist you with bringing up and letting go of old self-limiting energy, connecting with the New Earth Energy and allowing Light to flood your being. For a FREE Light Attunement, visit
When I get these healing chants coming through me, I record them as they come. That means when you listen to an Attunement, you're getting the benefit of the energy coming down through me as I sing it into existence. I don't edit the song except for sound quality, so what you hear is the Attunement exactly as it came to me in the moment.
May the Light Lead You,
Brenda MacIntyre, Medicine Song Woman
Monday, January 5, 2009
New Beginnings

Happy New Year to everyone!
The image to your left is a painting I did called "Alive." Today, my first day back in gear after the holidays, I'm not quite feeling as alive as I will when I get used to getting up at 5:45am again. But I'm definitely feeling like 2008 has been a huge transformation and like the woman in the painting, I'm emerging and readying my wings for new flight.
Well, I still can't believe 2008 is gone. It's been quite a year. In numerology, adding up both numbers gives you 10, which is about completion. If you just count the 8, it's about change. I believe that about covers last year. And I just realized that 2009 makes 11, the number of ascension. Talk about new beginnings! But also, 11 comes down to 2, which is about balance, especially of Self. I don't know much about numerology, but it seems to me this is right on target.
We need balance in order to move forward.
Believe me, I know. I re-injured my knee about a week ago, a day or 2 before New Year's Eve. Try walking without balance - it doesn't work too well. It's a pattern and I am hoping I can release it this time, but I know it's about both of these things: balance and moving forward. It's also about "the fall" - things I no longer need are falling away from me so that what I desire and am ready for can flow right in. I fell down the stairs - not a whole staircase, just enough steps to not be able to catch myself before my knee went into the railing and bent too far forward. Ouch. But... I'm thankful for my knee. I know it is a messenger for me, telling me it's time to move forward and leave behind what no longer serves my higher purpose, and to take good care of myself.
I applied to 2 different arts grants a while back and got back the results for both over the holidays. I got neither one and honestly was shocked, especially for the one I've been successful with in the past. I've been turning this around to keep my mind positive, telling myself this only means the money will come from somewhere else to complete my projects. Part of me believes it and part of me is still skeptical, so I keep turning it around and turning it over to Source. And I began my 2nd project, which for now consists mostly of painting. Still working on my 1st one, which is the album that will come out this spring.
I have wanted a wall unit ever since I moved into this place, because I had been unable to bring the one I had into this apartment due to its weight and dimensions. Someone told me about Freecycle and so I joined the yahoo group for my city a couple of weeks ago. I began giving things away immediately and the responses were quick and abundant! I knew I'd need a ride and people to help me move things into my apartment, so I let a few pieces of furniture slip by that I saw on the Freecycle list. After a lot of clearing and re-organizing in here, I really could feel my desire for a wall unit growing.
A day later, I had a friend over and when I told her about Freecycle, she immediately offered to help me, saying she had a van! Yesterday I got my wall unit - and a t.v. to go with it - all for FREE. Then I realized I needed a component to make the DVD player work, so I sent a request to Freecycle. Within less than 30 minutes, someone responded with exactly what I need.
My gratitude is flowing.
My knee has been getting better too, and much more quickly than before. My neighbour helped me get groceries, my daughter has been doing the laundry for me and I've been in a space of consciously allowing myself to receive whatever is coming.
I've also been acting on inspiration.
A few days ago, I was channel-surfing and could not find one thing to watch that I hadn't already seen. It was all reruns, news (read: negative news), reality shows and other stuff I don't care for. I turned to my daughter and said, "you want the internet and I'm sick of what's on t.v. If I cut off cable, I could get you the internet." Her eyes got wide and she immediately and excitedly said "YES!" She does all kinds of creative art online and enjoys her time on there, but I can't let her use my computer too much because it is mostly for my work.
The thing is, I use the t.v. as a crutch. When I eat, when I feel bored, when I want to hear something in the background, or when I tell myself I want to relax... I turn on the t.v. I could be using that time to meditate, visualize, read, listen to music or even just go into my imagination and let it flow. Funny how after I made the decision to get rid of cable, I got calls from 2 good friends who both live out of town and were visiting here. So I got to have my good friends over (courtesy of my knee - I still couldn't go anywhere). So one more step forward, and letting go one more thing that's holding me back from connecting more fully to Source and my inner Source.
I don't know what this year will hold for me - I don't even know what this day will hold for me - but I am intending to feel better and better, seek and find what makes me feel good, and open wide to receive it.
Love, Light & Harmony,
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