Monday, January 26, 2009

New Moon + Solar Eclipse = WOW

Hi again! I'm honouring my own inspiration and need to write this all out and share it with you. It's been a miracle day for me.

I know we've been gearing up for big transformation and so many events have been leading up to great hope more and more. But today I am amazed.

I am amazed at how this Great Re-Awakening is affecting me as I pick up what the universe is offering me. Cause you know, we don't always see what's right in front of us, or allow it to come close enough to even notice what gifts we're being given.

And that's what I've been doing. 2008 gave me one big push forward, as I'm sure many have experienced. Or it may have felt more like a kick in the pants down the side of a cliff, like it did for me at some points! But it's all a part of the greater journey.

I'll tell you something I've learned about manifesting. First off, like I said earlier today in my other article about Money Reiki, if you ask, pray or put your intention out for something you want, then pay attention carefully to what shows up. It's been said that Creator works in mysterious ways and that is so true. And trust me, you don't want to miss it when it arrives!

I'm pretty sure that if I hadn't said yes to that Money Reiki distance healing, today wouldn't have been this amazing. I got 5 new clients in one day without making a single phone call or email! That's definitely a first for me.

Second thing is, here's how the magic often happens for me...

A. I get to feeling good and then I begin to feel motivated and/or inspired.

B. If I'm not already inspired to do something, I look at my "To Accomplish" list and see if there's anything on it I feel like doing. Today there was. I felt like doing some work to generate some leads. So that's what I began to do.

C. I got results almost immediately after beginning the task.

Here's the thing. In my mind, I thought I would have to complete the task at hand as well as another task I was going to get to tomorrow, in order to get the results I was seeking. But instead I had a waterfall of positive results starting only about 5 minutes into my task!

D. That doesn't mean I abandoned the task at hand! I completed what I wanted to, but in the meantime, I was a magnet for prosperity!

Why did this work for me?

Well, I did the the Money Reiki Meditation for 5 days in a row before this... let's see, I have been using my own 11:11 Light Attunement, I've been acting on my inspirations and working on a new creative project I'm excited and passionate about... there have been a lot of stepping stones toward today's prosperity waterfall.

Oh yeah and let's not forget, I had a message from the wind. I used to get regular messages from the wind but haven't in a long while. 2 nights ago, the wind was blowing like crazy. I went to close the balcony door but when I got there I had a familiar feeling - I could feel the wind speaking to me, telling me I'm in for something big. I wasn't sure what but I know I can trust those messages, so I had a lot of faith and I paid attention.

Today, when I set out to do my work, in my mind I had thoughts of - and faith in - something big coming for me. The thoughts in my head while I was working were based on that faith and connected to the emotions of gratitude, passion and excitement. That is the perfect brew for manifesting what you want.

I'm excited to see what tomorrow will bring... so I'm going to have to actually stop writing in this blog now and get some sleep!

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