Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Attracting Prosperity - with my Funny Money Tree


Okay, it's not what you might think... I'm not talking about counterfeit here lol. Read on...

I've been having such fun today! I've been dealing with a sinus/ear infection and today I've hardly even noticed it all afternoon. Since I joined the World Gratitude Gathering a couple of days ago, I've been really making sure I'm focusing on my gratitude for the positive things in my life and even visualizing myself drawing health and prosperity to myself.

Today, I suddenly felt inspired to share with you all this little prosperity attracting game that's been helping me for the past month or so.

Sooo.... the game...

I had bought several magnetic hematites for me and my daughter, and she keeps leaving hers in funny places. Then they ended up on my writing desk with many of my stone and crystal friends.

One day a couple of safety pins and some dimes attached themselves in some really weird ways to my own magnetic hematites inside my handbag and when I pulled them out, it looked like a stairway of dimes. I couldn't help but laugh and play with them!

I was so excited, I showed my 11 year-old daughter, who looked at me like I was insane and then laughed too. Well, since she left her hematites on my desk, all stacked up on top of each other, I began sticking money to them.

I had such a blast, I kept doing it and then noticed about a week ago that it looked like a little tree. And then it popped into my head...

I've created a money tree! And yes, this is a picture of my funny little tree.

So every time I look at it, my little money tree makes me smile and because the hematites are magnetic by nature, it sure isn't a far stretch for me to imagine my little money tree attracting money to me! I love it! And hey, now I have something to do with all that small change lol.

I feel like Scrooge McDuck, playing with my money lol. But that's what I do in my spare time. Whenever my money tree catches my eye, I add more dimes or nickels to it, whatever sticks, and it's so fascinating to see how the magnets 'organize' the money. It has to be balanced, you see... just like my budget ;)

You might want to try it yourself - magnetic hematites are very inexpensive at new age shops or bead and rock stores. I got mine at Carrot Common on the Danforth in Toronto when I doing my organic grocery shopping.

Oh, by the way, since I've been playing with my money tree, so many amazing things have begun to happen for me, including attracting new contracts that are a perfect match for me, after a dry spell. So it works! Now, I do use a lot of other tools to attract what I want, like focusing on gratitude, singing my medicine songs, listening to my Spirit Connection guided visualization, even watching my own inspirational videos and reading books by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

But I truly believe in my little money tree. You see... all that small change is creating BIG CHANGE... in more ways than one.

I'm having so much FUN today!

Peace, Love & Light,

Brenda MacIntyre, Medicine Song Woman
416.519.SONG (7664)


Twitter: www.Twitter.com/healingsinger
MySpace: www.MySpace.com/brendamacintyre

Native Roots/Soul Artist | Healer | Speaker
:: Nominee, Best Hand Drum CD, Aboriginal People's Choice Awards 2007
:: 2007 Aboriginal Businesswoman of the Year
:: Author of the forthcoming book "Medicine Song"

Elka S. Yarlowe
The Yarlowe Group Artist Management
Classical, Jazz, and World Music Artists of International Distinction
604-2323 West 2nd Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6K 1J4 Canada

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