Sunday, September 14, 2008

Finding Perspective

I took several pictures like this one of the sunrise, from the plane back to Toronto from BC last October. You know I never noticed the orbs in this one until just today?

Funny there aren't any orbs in the other pictures I took seconds before or afterward, but in this one, I can't even count them all. The first time I saw orbs, the skeptic in me was wondering if they were maybe an illusion caused by dust in the camera lens or something.

But now I can see them with my physical eyes with or without my glasses, so I know they're real. They always seem to show up where there are high vibrations like laughter, feelings of gratitude, love, amazement and joy. Here's a closeup.

Apart from the orbs, I just love the way the sunlight created several full spectra.

What interests me most is that each full spectrum is shaped just like the light crystals that were inserted into my energy system just before 08/08/08. What's even more interesting is that I pulled up this photo today - at a time when I can feel my energy shifting and have just had some bursts of inspiration and creativity.

Last week I got what was obviously a channeled message. It flowed out of me almost before the thoughts could form and I couldn't remember what I had written. I only knew it had to do with something big coming for us Earth beings. Anyway, I got tears in my eyes when I read it a few minutes ago, because now I understand what's been happening for me...

Yesterday was interesting. Everything was kind of "off balance" in my little world.

I was getting ready for a day out with my daughter and discovered I had hardly anything to wear. My daughter was coming down with a cold, so I let her sleep in even though the fashion show and our workshop started at 10am. So yeah, I had double-booked myself too!

I had a bizarre thought on the subway...

What if everyone on the subway were to suddenly just do whatever they would normally do when nobody was around?

And I was flooded with images of people dancing to their mp3s, talking to themselves, laughing out loud all by themselves, you get the idea. I shared this with my daughter and we both got laughing so much that we missed our stop.

The day continued like this... I felt like it was nearly impossible to focus, lost my sense of direction completely (not that it was great to begin with lol) and physically could feel my balance was off. I remember the moment it hit me that the Full Harvest Moon is coming up. I let go at that moment, realizing anything could happen, and the rest of the day felt better in all its quirkiness.

And that brings me back to the beginning of my blog when I uploaded that sunrise picture I took on a plane. I have hundreds of photos in about 12 folders on my computer. Coming across that particular photo today has sparked recognition in my spirit. Seeing those rainbow lights and orbs, and the way the photo has captured the motion of light... this is really stirring something in me. I won't be surprised if I have a vision, dream or spiritual moment in the next day or so.

How Spirit does express itself.

When I read through my blog from September 7th, I noticed I had written that the energy of the universe was going to become like a spiraling whirlpool for each of us, focusing all of our desires down through the centre and into our personal reality.

And now here I am getting another message from Spirit, that while this whirlpool of energy is being focused into manifesting our desires, it is also stripping us of anything we still need to release. No wonder last night I did a sketch about letting go, for my grant proposal! Have a look... and tell me what this image says to you.

Anyway, clearly this is a time to sit back and allow old stuff to bubble up and be released from wherever in your energy system you have blockages (chronic pain, depression, illness, etc.). I don't mean for you to consciously try and dredge up old pain, by the way. I mean if stuff does come up for you in the next little while, don't attach to it, and realize this is part of a much bigger process leading to more light for you.... and that light will be coming very soon!

I hope you have a wonderful week and find ways to relax into the final pull toward manifesting your personal Harvest.

Peace, Love & Light,
Brenda MacIntyre, Medicine Song Woman

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